
3 Houses Choose '50-'51 Committees

The Lowell House Committee elected its officers for next year in the Senior Common Room last night. The results were as follows: Christopher W. May '51, Chairman; S. Preston Clement, Jr. '51, secretary; Alan Sweetser '51, treasurer; and Miles I. Levine '51, dance committee chairman.

Other members of the committee are: for the Class of 1951, Roger L. Butler, Robert A. Fallon, and George M. Kurzon; for the Class of 1952, Paul H. Altrocchi, James S. Hilboldt, David B. Tyack, and Robert L. Wiley.

The Adams House Committee has elected Alvin C. Becker '51 chairman for next year. Other '51 men on the committee are Jack N. Freyhof and Skiddy M. Lund. Sophomores on the committee are: Mark Gibson, Nathan Hale, James C. Hirschman, and Alfred G. Parmelee.

The Eliot House Committee has elected the following as officers for next year: Roger V. Pugh '51, chairman; Walter M. Aikman '51, secretary; and Frederick A. Fortmiller '51, treasurer. On the Committee for the Class of 1952 are: Charles C. Cabot, Jr, C. Major Close, James S. Fleming, and John W. Sears.
