
Questions McCarthy Stand


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The gist of your McCarthy editorial of April 14 seems to be that Lattimore "struck a tangent" to the communist line, once a long time ago, at a point where anybody could, and where everybody did but "may not like to remember it," and finally that Lattimore diverges all over the place, so isn't McCarthy a heel anyway.

Lattimore's memorandum, which he still sticks to is for non-support of any government against which communists are carrying out revolution. This is not a point of tangency; it is a fundamental denial of the best in our foreign policy. As to periods of agreement with the sentiment--whether anyone on your staff "remembers" them or not--they never were.

Some of us consider Lattimore's action treasonable, many are confused by it; none consider it a coincidence without meaning. If your writer does not care to draw conclusions or wait for facts, you might at least spare the College any future Chesire cat editorials, which have neither logic nor information, but only a ruddy, ruddy hue. John M. Sink '50
