
Freshman Track

Lining Them Up

The freshman track team opens its spring season tomorrow at Soldiers Field against Andover and Boston College and hopes for victory lie mainly with a strong group of sprinters and Captain Bob Mello, who won the pole vault, high jump, and broad jump against Yale this winter.

Coach Carl Olson is not very optomistic about the squad's chances in the sheet. He regards the meet as a try-out for his team, which has not had much outdoor practice. The '53 winter team lost to Andover 42 1-2 to 55 1-2.

Norm Gogen, who, won the 40 yard-dash at Andover this winter, and Gil Schiff will be the probable Crimson entries in the 100 and 220. Much-improved Tad Brown is Olson's choice for the quarter mile, while Jim Little will go in the half. Paul Judy, winner of the 1000 at Andover, looks strong in the mile.

Bob Twitchell and Pete Curran are a good one-two entry in the 220 low hurdles Twitchell will also probably run the 120, highs John Ederer, who took the hurdles at Andover, is playing spring football; and Olson does not expect him to run.

Mello should pile up points in his specialties all season without much trouble. Bob Lown is a capable understudy for Mello. Will Van Epps is another broad jumper.


Field Events

"The weakest part of the whole team," Olson says, "is the shot-put." Footballer Bob Stargel has been working out with the shot, but gridiron practice may make him unavailable tomorrow. He is also a possible discuss entry.

Hank Toepke, and Bob Curran are the hammer-throwers, but Toepke also may be affected by football practice. Curran placed third in the 28 pound weight throw at Andover, Lincoln Ferris looks improved in the javelin throw.

Poor Winter Track

The freshman winter track team had a poor record, losing all three big meets. On February 11 it lost to Andover, one week later Yale defeated the Yardlings 47-62, and in the final meet of the season Exeter triumphed 39-42.

The spring encounter with Exeter is April 29, and with Yale May 13. The next event after tomorrow's triangular meet is with Rhode Island State on April 22.
