
Tickets Selling For '52 Dance

Tickets for the April 28 Sophomore Dance went on sale yesterday in all Houses and the Dudley Commuters Center. The informal dance, named "Carnival Capers,' is scheduled to take place in Memorial Hall from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

Five hundred tickets are available for the dance, one of the inaugural events in the all-College weekend and open to the whole college. Harry Marshard will suppy the music and there will be the customary run of refreshments and entertainment.

Howard W. Robbins, chairman of the '52 Class Committee heads a dance committee of: Benjamin F. MacDonald, secretary; John D. Bardis, treasurer; John F. Murphy, entertainment chairman; Costas C. Rodis, ticket chairman; Edmond J. Gong, publicity chairman; Robert L. Wylie, decorations chairman; Charles C. Cabot, stage manager; and Carroll M. Lowenstein, chairman for commuters.
