
Many Organizations to Run Study Trips During Summer

At least 35 non-commercial organizations are sponsoring work, study, and travel tours abroad this summer. The Tours can satisfy any interest in European travel and range in cost from $325 to well over $1,200. In general, the work camps are far cheaper than the others. The following is only a partial list of the tours of the better known organizations. Additional information may be obtained from the NSA office in Phillips Brooks House.

American Youth Hostels will participate in two International Hostel Work Projects, one in Holland and one in Germany. Three or four weeks on rebuilding war-damaged youth hostels will be followed by a self-planned group hostling trip in neighboring countries.

The National Students Association is planning the following work camp tours: Finland, Norway, Denmark; England, Finland, Sweden, Denmark; England, Yougoslavia; Denmark; Poland, Finland. Also, the following work camps are planned: British Harvest Camps, Germany, Finnish Lumber Camp, France, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe. The costs of the workcamp tours range from $454 to $505, the workcamps from $326 to $355.

The Students International Travel Association provides guided rail, motor, and bicycle trips throughout Europe at prices ranging from $435 to $930. Inquire 545 5th Avenue, N. Y. C.

American Youth Hostels are offering the following trips which cost from $680 to $780: British Isles, Central Europe, Mediterranean, Scandinavia, North Sea, Southwest Europe, and Western Europe.


The Bureau of University Travel is planning the following study programs under the leadership of university professors: Political Science, Comparative Government, Modern European History, Classical Backgrounds, History of Art, Architecture, Music Appreciation, and Backgrounds of Comparative Education. Inquire 11 Boyd Street, Newton, Mass.

The Experiment in International Living has the student living by himself for the first mouth in the family of a selected student abroad. The second half of the summer will be devoted to cycling, camping, mountain-climbing, traveling, or working, Inquire Putney, Vermont.

World Study Tours will conduct political, sociological, and cultural field courses and study tours ranging in prior from $800 to $1,200.
