An informal poll taken yesterday at Radcliffe, representing dormitory students and commuters from all four classes, showed that students almost unanimously oppose the switch in check-out time from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for open reserve books.
The poll also indicated that the girls generally approve the book check which will replace the present library honor system April 24. Most students agreed, "What difference does it make as long as the checking is quick and efficient!"
Almost 30 percent of those polled said they used the library so little that they would not be affected by any change, while others echoed the statement of Betty Thompson '53, "Sort of an insult, but practical."
Commuters Gain
Many dormitory residents felt that commuters were gaining an advantage, since taking out open reserve books would not entail a separate trip for them to the Radcliffe buildings. Commuters expressed dissatisfaction at having to stay so late to obtain books. They suggested that all students would be inconvenienced, and books would circulate less.
Several petitions were started in defense of the library honor system by students who feared removal of any portion of Radcliffe's honor system might start an undesirable trend.
The revised Radcliffe library program will go into effect April 24 as a result of a "Cedar Hill" recommendation announced Thursday.
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