
Radcliffe's Maids Appeal for Altered Hours, Sick Benefits

Radcliffe's maids will ask for shorter hours, longer vacations, and increased sick leaves at a meeting with College officials today, according to Josephine Coleman, head of the Annex maids' union.

Miss Coleman said that Radcliffe intends to enforce a College law calling for retirement of 'maids at 65 and that the union will protest this on behalf of 13 women who would be affected.

Several Protests

Also protested, Miss Coleman said, will be the forthcoming destruction of Trowbridge House, present maids' quarters, to make way for a new Radcliffe dormitory, Holmes Hall.

Present hours are from 46 to 48 hours a week, according to Miss Coleman. The union will ask for a 42-hour week. It will ask that unused sick leaves carry over whole from year to year rather than halved as at present.
