
Inter-House Committee Asks $250 From 4 Houses to Support DP's

Adams, Lowell, Leverett, and Winthrop ought to contribute about $250 each toward the support of their DP students next year, the House Committee chairmen and Edward F. Burke '50, president of the Student Council, decided at a special meeting last night.

Dunster will allocate a little bit more toward its DP.

The rest of the $500 that students are supposed to provide for each DP will come from the Student Council, which can spend a maximum of $1500 on the project.

Three Houses, Adams, Leverett, and Winthrop, now have no provisions to meet their obligations toward their DP's and will have to conduct campaigns to raise the necessary funds.

Eliot and Kirkland will probably have no DP problem. The Elephants' Peter Danes plans to go to the Business School and the Deacons' John Czernyha intends to get married.


Last night's meeting was called to solve an inter-House dispute which arose last week when it was learned that only Dunster and Lowell had adequate funds for their DP's and the Council would aid only the other three Houses.

A Student Council sub-committee on DP's estimates the foreign students' expenses at about $1,500 spiece. The University provided tuition scholarships last year and will do so again if the DP's maintain Group IV grades.
