Thirty-one University maids may got lightened work schedules as a result of a two-hour conference between union representatives and University officials yesterday.
Complaints started coming in from the maids two weeks ago when the University made a College-wide revision of work schedules. A total of 40 complaints were registered with Union President Daniel G. Mulvihill. Nine have already been adjusted, and the remaining 31 were left yesterday with Cecil A. Roberts, superintendent of buildings and grounds.
Complaints Handed Down
Roberts has passed the complaints along to James R. Stewart, superintendent of caretaking, who will try to work them out with the help of House superintendents and Yard janitors.
"We are glad at all times to hear and try to remedy complaints," said Roberts. Besides Roberts and Stewart, Anthony J. Zella, engineer, represented the University at yesterday's parley. Zella has been checking for some time to see where University caretaking efficiency could be stepped up.
Carmelia Narcia, union executive board member for the Business School maids, attended the conference, although none of the maids from across the river have filed complaints. Julia Smith represented the Cambridge maids.
The nature of the complaints varies. One of the nine adjusted cases gave a woman suites all on one floor where formerly she had to go from floor to floor in her work.
Two maids were given a smaller number of suites to clean, and another got an increase in the time allotted her to do her work. Mulvihill was enthusiastic about the adjustments, and stated that "very definite progress is being made."
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