To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
For the past two or three terms I have suffered in silence the pain of opening the CRIMSON in the morning only to read how rough things are for the poor girls at Radcliffe. The John Reed Club wants them admitted to Lamont Library, some other clubs want them admitted as members, etc., etc. What I would like to know is, what purpose are these so-called clubs organized for? If their aims have so deteriorated or were so insipid to begin with that they feel the emancipation of Radcliffe is their sole forte, then they do not belong at Harvard.
Four years ago we had men running the College organizations, instead of a bunch of bisexual adolescents who put Radcliffe women on a pedestal every time they want to appear original.
On the other hand, maybe the clubs just want to organize for the social contact function. If that is the case, they ought to drop their ostensible thought-provoking character, and join hands with that famous social contact group, the Carlton Club.
This may seem a bit too hard to conceive of to the treasured Susan B. Anthony's in our midst, but Harvard was and is still trying hard, difficult though it may be, to remain a man's institution.
Come on fellows, give us a break, let's hear about Harvard and let Radcliffe do its own trumpet-blowing. Harold G. Lustig '49, 1G
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