Twenty members of the Rugby Club will fly to Bermuda Saturday for their spring tour. During their eight-day stay, the Crimson ruggers will play five games. They will also enjoy the other pleasures of the island.
Coach Roger Bennett's squad, bolstered by five veterans, is potentially as good as last year's Bermuda team, but has been handicapped by the poor weather. Practices have been held in Briggs Cage from 9 to 10:30 p.m. three nights a week.
Joe Eaton, playing his third year of rugby for Harvard, will again captain the team. Flying half Hol French, last year's high scorer, and scrum half Colin McIntyre, former British Army player, both made the trip to Bermuda last year. Other one-year veterans on the team are Bill Boucher and Lewis Travis.
Five Game Schedule
Besides the players previously named, Sam Butler, Jim Callahan, Tom Calhoun, Gerhardus de Kock, Johan Domenie, Andrew Eklund, Hollis Hunnewell, Thorpe Kelly, Ken Kunhardt, George Lee, Jay Lyons, Tom Nuzum, Bruce White, and Pierre LeLandais will make the trip.
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