
Eliot Six Faces Davenport in New Haven Today

Elephants Try to Uphold 7 Game Winning Skein

Eliot House's undefeated championship hockey team leaves this morning for New Haven, where it will take on Yale's Davenport College in the intermural ice playoff at 3 p.m.

Davenport clinched the Eli hockey championship last week with a season record of eight wins, one defeat.

The Mastodons will start Tom Cavanaugh at goal, Ames Stevens at left defense, and Clark Cowen at right defense. The fast-skating first line has Paul Bird-sall at center and wingmen Pete Reiner and Myles Herter. Eliot also boasts a high-scoring second line of Demetrius Anderson and wings Bob Baldwin and Bill Bridges, who have worked very effectively together all season.

Outstanding defenseman on the second team since the mid-term graduation of Fred Ecker, has been Doug Bradlee. His defense-mate in John Cowles.

Reveal Ringer


Eliot's undefeated skein was almost marred in mid-February when it dropped a contest to Dunster by one point. But the game was later forfeited to the Elephants when it was disclosed that the Fansters had been using a ringer--a Lexington High goalie--in the nets.

Few of the other wins have come easily. Baldwin and third-lineman Kent Eaton have scored goals in sudden-death overtimes to down Lowell and Dudley. Eliot clinched the inter-House title last week against Winthrop with a late counter by Reiner on a pass from Birdsall.

The Davenport starting line has Henry Ross, Harry Gruner, and Stan Shepard. Defensemen are Bob Legray and Al Warner, with Charlie Lee in the nets.
