
Killer No Chicken Hawk

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

You and Mr. Babcock of the Maintenance Department have been unfair to a superb creature when you refer to the Memorial Hall pigeon-killer as a "huge chicken hawk." Leaving aside the fact there is no recognized species of "chicken hawk," this particular bird is a Duck Hawk (Falco peregrinus anatum), the American version of the falcon, traditionally used for hunting.

Your concepts of "huge" differ radically from those of most people: the male Duck Hawk is 18 inches in length, the female 19, with a wingspread of 40 to 46 inches. The Duck Hawk, credited with the aviary speed record of 175 m.p.h., kills by "stooping" at its victim and striking it in mid-air with great force. They have been known to kill birds as large as the Canada Goose (length 35-43 in.).

My own observations lead me to believe that there are two Duck Hawk on Mem Hall, a falcon (female) and a tercelet (male). They spend a good deal of time around Jefferson as well as pigeons, a fact which should weigh in their favor. Incidentally, there was a Duck Hawk around during the entire time of the Great Owl Episode last year.

Note: Duck Hawks are relatively rare and protected by law from capture or killing. B. Robert Carman '51
