
Shepard to Coach Jayvee Football; Lamar Stays On

Varsity basketball coach Norm Shepard will coach the junior varsity football squad this year, Athletic Director William J. Bingham '16 announced last night. Shepard will also continue as head basketball mentor.

In completing Coach Lloyd Jordan's staff, the HAA also has re-appointed Henry Lamar as freshman football coach and designated Jack Fadden as trainer for spring football practice.

Though noted for his basketball abilities, the 47-year-old Coach Shepard has had over 20 years experience as a football coach. He was varsity halfback on the North Carolina team in 1922, his senior year, and was later freshman coach and scout for the Tarhoels.

In the late twenties, Shepard served as head basketball and football coach at Guildford College and at Randolph-Macon. He became basketball and assistant football coach at Davidson College in 1936, but after several years he dropped his football position to become athletic director. During the war he coached an informal varsity eleven at Davidson.

Keeps Spring Basketball


Shepard said last night that he was "very enthusiastic" about his new appointment and was "looking forward to taking up football again." He added, however, that he will continue with his plan for spring basketball practice.

The new jayvee coach said that he will start evening basketball practice on April 10 "in order to give all House and freshman players and those who did not make the '53 or varsity teams an opportunity to show what they can do on the courts."

Lamar Old Hand"

Freshman football coach Henry Lamar, who graduated from the University of Virginia in 1931, has gained all of his coaching experience on the crimson staff. In addition to his boxing duties and his freshman football post. Lamar also coached the wartime varsity and has held the junior varsity and assistant line coach positions.
