
Posters, Props Line Union Walls As Jubilee Elections Draw Near

A record group of 53 Freshman Jubilee candidates are turning the lobby of the Union into a carnival boardwalk as the last two days of campaigning begin.

As many posters as the wall-space will allow describe their creators as 'glorious'" terrible," or "magnificent." More conservative signs name candidates as "Infallible," and "honest." In most cases appropriate illustrations-of fertile rabbits, plump nudes, and fearless mights in armer-accompany the claims.

A few candidates, avoiding over crowded walls, have taken to the ceiling, suspending a balloon, an airplane, and an effigy of a "bloody voter who didn't choose the right man." One team of aspirant has set up a public address system.

Only one slate has posted its platform. The politicians say, "we hate women. We hate dancing. WE hate candlelight suppers." They add, "We are not running for the Jubilee."
