
Chafee Will Give Undergraduate Spring 'Literary Copyright' Class

Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Langdoll Professor of Law, will teach an undergraduate course next year on "Copyright and other Legal Protection for Literature," Professor Harry T. Levin '33, chairman of the Department of Comparative Literature said yesterday.

The announcement, in effect, confirmed the report that Chafee is slated for a University Professorship, since that post would free him from his Law School classes and enable him to teach College subjects.

Not Technical

The course, Comp. Lit. 181, will not be technical, Levin said, and will be designed for students who want to write. Levin said that he know of no previous course at any college similar to the new one.

Meeting Tuesday and Thursday at 11 a.m. in the spring term, the course will consider "the ideals of a proper copyright system and the obstacles which interfere with their full realization."


Comp. Lit. 181 will also look into what authors, thinkers, and publishers have written about the problem of protecting literary works.
