
Al Capp May Appear At Freshman Smoker

Al Capp, creater of L'il Abner, the Schmoo, the Kigmy, and other comic strip prodigies, may appear at the Freshman Smoker tomorrow night in Sanders Theatre.

The humorist, who had been out of town until yesterday, told representatives of the Smoker Committee that there was a "50-50 chance" that he would appear at the function.

A crowded schedule made it impossible for Capp, who highlighted a Smoker two years ago, to be more definite when he was contacted yesterday. Another big name still on the tentative list is that of Ariene Francis.

In the meantime, Lasell, Pine Manor, Sargent, Simmons, Wellesley, and Wheelock have agreed to send entries to a Smoker beauty contest. Radcliffe refused an invitation because the Dean's Office was not "in sympathy" with the idea.

A new feature of the Smoker is a chug-a-lug contest, with one man from each of the Yard dormitories competing. To the dorm with the most accomplished beer drinker will go a souvenir beer keg, appropriately inscribed.
