
Fencers Stand Third In Collegiate Tourney

Crimson fencers placed third in epee competition yesterday in New York, in the opening phase of the two-day Inter-collegiate Fencing Association meet. Navy and NYU tied for first with 25 1-2 points; Harvard had 20 1-2, followed by Princeton with 20 and Army with 19 1-2.

Joe Overholser reached the finals for the individual epee title and will face five opponents in a round robin tonight. Overholser will face one man from Yale and two each from Navy and NYU in the finals.

Team competition will shift to the foils and saber when the squads from 13 colleges resume action today at NYU.

The New York meet is the varsity's last opportunity to redeem a mediocre season of two wins, three losses, and one tie.
