
Scholarship Plan Backed by Dever

Governor Dever backed a plan, to distribute $750,000 in yearly scholarships to deserving students yesterday. When fully under, way the plan calls for 1000 grants of $750 a year.

The program would permit each of the state's 240 representatives to select one scholarship winner and two alternates each year. At first, the grants would be Applicable only to state-operated institutions, including the University of Massachusetts nine state teachers colleges, the maritime academy, and three textile schools.

Eventually, the plan would be extended to include private schools.

In its first year of operation the program provides for 240 scholarships, in the second for 480, and the full 1000 by the third.

Raymond, A. Fitzgerald, deputy state commissioner of education and originator of the plan, said he thought it was better to improve existing institutions than to build new ones. He claimed the 1000 scholarships would keep top scholars from going out of the state and attract them to state schools.
