
Heaton Is New Radcliffe Government President

Students Informed at Mass Meeting

Elizabeth Heaton '51 is Radcliffe's new Student Council President, retiring chief executive Joan Braver man announced at a mass meeting held in Agassiz Theatre from 1 to 2 p.m. yesterday. Miss Heaton, of Wellesley and Briggs Hall, moves up from NSA Delegate to her present position.

Other winning candidates are; Vice President, Cynthia Williams of Baltimore, Maryland, and Gilman House; Secretary, Phebe Crampton '52 of Cohasset and Cabot Hall; Treasurers, Elizabeth Tucker '52 of West Hartford, Connecticut and Henry House; Sophomore Member Nancy Walker '53 of Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida and Briggs Hall; NSA Delegate, Jean McCormick '51 of Westport, Connecticut, and Eliot Hall; and NSA Alternate, Julia Brown Ashenhurst '51 of Branford, Connecticut, and 12 Ellery Street.

Ballete Double Checked

Preferential voting took place from Monday night through Wednesday in the dormitories and on Tuesday and Wednesday in Agassiz for commuters. Each girl's name was checked off twice, once when she received her ballot, and again when she cast it. In all, 715 voted in the election, "a phenomenally large number," Joan Braverman remarked.

The appearance of a strange man with a big black box at the vote counting in Moors Hall Wednesday, was the subject of much discussion at Radcliffe yesterday but was unexplained officially.


The man was rumored to be a newspaper man.
