
1950 Class Day Committee Elects Coombs as Chairman

David 1. Coombs was elected chairman of the 1950 class Day Committee during a three-hour session last night in Phillips Brooks House.

"The liquor supply," said Coombs, "will be like that this year!"--and he pounded his fist into his open hand. "It's be solid."

The ten-man Class Day group met with members of the Permanent Class Committee and Associate Dean Watson, and sketched plans for a "hard-hitting" week of graduation festivities. Thomas C. Simons was named treasurer and Robert L. Matters secretary of the Committee.

Schedule Graduation Events

Mainstays in the five-day celebration will be the Baccalaureate Service on Sunday, June 19; the "Senior Spread"--a formal dance with a "name" band and a midnight supper on June 20; Class Day exercises in the Sever quadrangle on June 21; Harvard-Yale baseball game, an informal dinner, and Band and Glee Club concert on June 22; and Commencement on June 23.


Details and additional activities will be handled by several subcommittees and will be announced later, Coombs said.
