
Gift Goal Set For $500,000

Half a million dollars in alumni contributions during 1950 was the goal set by David McCord '21, executive secretary of the Harvard Fund Council, at the Council's 25th anniversary dinner last night at Fogg Museum.

The dinner, given for the class agents of the Fund, was followed by a concert by the Glee Club and talks by President Conant, Provost Buck, and Charles H. Watkins '09, chairman of the Council.

Gifts Given to McCord

Watkins presented McCord with gifts from the class agents, in recognition of their executive secretary's work.

Efforts of the class agents have raised more than $4,250,000 for the University since the Fund was launched in 1925.


No conditions are attached to use of the money. A major accomplishment of the Fund was collection of $1,500,00 for the endowment of Lamont Library.
