The Student Council, in the first meeting of the term last night, sketched its program for the Spring.
Edward F. Burke '50, Council president, said the chief project in the near future would be the drafting of a new constitution which will be based in part on information contained in the nearly completed report of the Council Committee on Evaluation.
Plans were also mapped to study allocation of funds still left from the Combined Charities Drive, study means to continue financial support of the College's Displaced Persons students, evaluate the University's courses, experiment with an undergraduate advising program, encourage informal education in the Houses, and prepare a report on how to live economically at the College.
John T. Coan, Jr. '50 of 16 Quincy Street and John T. Hazel, Jr. '51 of Kirkland House, both runner ups in last year's Council election replaced Councilmen William L. Curwen '50, who graduated, and Thomas A. Unverferth '51, who took a leave of absence.
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