
Varsity Favored Over Terrier Mat Men Here Today

The varsity wrestlers are likely to extend their winning streak to three tonight when Boston University moves into the Blockhouse for a 7:30 p.m. engagement.

BU practically played dead for Amherst and Brown in its two starts this season. The Terriers have not been at full strength yet this year and Coach Warren Johnson will have at least two second-stringers going tonight.

Butch Jordan sends a somewhat revised outfit against the intowners. Two new men (Dave Shapiro and Will Daves) break into the lineup for the first time and two men (Bob Abboud and Dave Smith) are competing out of their regular weight class.

These men will be back at 128 and 136 for the Army match Saturday. In the meantime, Shapiro, who saw action in one match last year, is gaining experience.

BU's best men come at 175, 145, and 121. Jim Kasavus and Dick Myerson, son of a wrestling coach, lost first place on referee's decisions at a recent New England AAU tourney.
