
Salzburg Support

During the past month, 50 European scholars have been studying American sociology with Professor Edward Shils at the Salzburg Seminar's winter Studies Program in Austria. Among them are advanced graduate students, teachers, government researchers, and editors. They are on leave from their own institutions to work with people in the field from other European countries and especially from the United States. They will deal with such problems as the psychological conditions of totalitarian government, labor relations, or empirical techniques.

This is one of the six monthly sessions undertaken this winter by the Salzburg Seminar to fill the continuing need for American studies in Europe. As in past years, the Seminar will hold a six-weeks' session next summer with broader consideration of American society.

To meet the cost of this year's expanded program, the Seminar must increase its financial support. In the next few weeks, undergraduates will be asked to solicit contributions in their home communities during spring vacation.

The work of the Seminar is of great importance. It has spread a lasting understanding of American life among influential Europeans. And through wide attention in European press and universities, it has reached far beyond actual participants.

The Seminar was started at Harvard and continues to be sponsored by the Student Council. The University can take pride in its success. A large number of undergraduates now have an opportunity to participate in the work by raising money for its continuation.
