Radcliffe tonight will get another chance to try out for positions as Annex news correspondents when Cambridge's Only Breakfast Table Daily throws open its doors to a spring competition at 7:30 p.m.
Tonight's opening meeting at 14 Plympton Street will welcome sophomores and juniors with a variety of refreshments. News of a freshman competition is to be announced.
Candidates will receive the training of the University's only school for journalism by writing for a 77-year-old daily that boasts such past members as President Conant; Franklin D. Roosevelt '04; Joseph C. Grew '02, one-time Under-Secretary of State; Gardner Cowles '25, publisher of Look Magazine; and Cleveland Amory '39.
Not only will candidates receive a complete training course in newspaper work by learning how the CRIMSON operates, but they will have a chance to report the many day-by-day Radcliffe activities. Selection will be on the basis of ideas and proven ability.
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