
Committee Picks 26 Seniors As Nominees for Class Day

Twenty-six men have been nominated by the Permanent Class Committee to run for election to the 1950 Class Day Committee, it was announced last night.

They are: Walter S. Almeda, Charles W. Bailey H. David J. Belcher, James R. Carman, David I. Coombs, Daniel A. Cronin, Jr., Charles W. Detjen, H. A. Crosby Forbes, K. Bruce Friedman, James K. Graham, henry R. Guild, Alexander C. Hoagland, Jr.

Also Lee Hoefingheff, Alan E. Kline. Robert I. Matters, Armando D. Mazzone, Patrick B. McCormick, Thomas H O'Shea, Lucian C. Parlato, Robert B. Parker, Allen C. Perry, Raphael D. Silver, Thomas C. Simons, Robert Wesen, Dale W. Wickham, Dominique H. Wyant.

The nominated seniors will not entirely fill the state for the coming class-wide election. Other aspirants may enter the running by filling petitions. The deadline for petitions, which must bear 50 names and be accompanied by a picture and a short biography, is 6 p.m. next Wednesday.

They can be turned in either to Wilbur M. Davis '50 Lowell J-31, John T. Hazel '51, Kirkland J-12, or to the Student Council offices in the Phillips Brooks House.


Ten Man Committee

When elected, the Class Day Committee will number ten men. They will be responsible for making arrangements for all activities connected with the June graduation. The duties of the Committee include preparation for the class Day dinner and dance, issuing invitations to these functions, and seeing that all goes smoothly on the big day.
