Dean Leighton yesterday struck out against criticisms of the present freshman advising system which appeared in the Student Council's Poskanzer Report and in the CRIMSON. The defense of the advisors was one of the major points of Leighton's report to Provost Buck on the Class of 1952.
The report conceded the need for improvement in advising but it added that many statements which appeared were "lacking in generosity" to men "who devote long hours at considerable personal sacrifice to conferences with individual students."
Discussed at length in the report was the academic record of the Class of 1952 which had a higher percentage on Dean's List--31.3 percent-than any previous class on record.
Leighton pointed out, however out, however, that the present sophomores compared unfavorably with '50 and '51 in the percentage required to leave college because of academic difficulties.
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