
Envoy Sees Pakistan Doom If India Acquires Kashmir

Pakistan's foreign minister, Sir Muhammed Zafrullah Khan, predicted last night that Indian domination of the Kashmir Valley would lead to the complete subjugation of Pakistan.

Sir Zafrullah's talk, which is the second of three lectures that he is to deliver during his weekend visit here, was given in the Litiauer Auditorium before a crowd of 150 students and faculty members.

As an outline of the international aspects of the Kashmir dispute, Sir Zafrullah described the economic and political status of Pakistan and of India.

"Pakistan's economy," he said, "is largely agricultural . . . The problem is to balance the economy on the industrial side. We are in a vital economic and geographic position," he added.

The envoy dwelt upon the dispute which is festering between India and Pakistan over the strategically located Kashmir Valley, and added that all of Pakistan's attempts at peaceful conciliation have been rejected by India.


Describes Dispute

In response to an inquiry from the floor, Sir Zafrullah said: "I can think of no logical reason: It is obviously an attempt to cripple Pakistan."

Mr. Muhammed Ali, Secretary General of the Pakistan government, will speak on another aspect of the Far East situation at 11 a.m. this morning in the Poetry Room of Widener Library. His talk will deal with the topic: "Pakistan and the Middle East."
