
Professional Will Put On Idler Play

Radcliffe's Idler will hire a professional manager to work on its major spring offering, newly elected president Irene O'Neil '51 announced yesterday. The group also voted on committee chairman appointments and revisions of the candidate system.

The new committee heads will be Jane Johnson '52 and Connaught O'Connel '52, publicity; Jacquelyn Seevak '52, lighting; Virginia Carroll '51, candidates; and Elizabeth Brown '53, staging. Miss O'Neil will double as costuming chairman, assisted by Betty Hunt '53.

Idler candidates will now be permitted to try out for parts in the club productions. Any acting work will be counted toward their total candidating hours.

Another new project, instituted at yesterday's meeting, will be informal play readings in the Idler Room every other Friday afternoon, to which non-club members are invited.

From now on, all Idler meetings will be open to the entire membership, instead of just the weekly board meetings.
