
A V C Investigates Housing Closure

Vets Say University May Not Realize All Factors Involved

The Harvard Chapter of the American Veterans Committee is conducting a thorough investigation to determine whether the Administration's decision to cut off all subsidized housing for married students is based on full comprehension of the current situation, Roy F. Gootenberg '49 1PA, chapter chairman, announced last night.

Last Thursday, all families living in University-subsidized dwellings received notices from the Hunneman Realty Company and the University informing them that complete abandonment of all housing projects would be accomplished by the fall of 1951.

According to this notice, the Administration believes that the demand for housing accommodations has fallen off because of a decreasing number of married students.

Families Decrease

Preliminary reports of the AVC investigation record the number of married students as 3,049 in 1947, 2,656 in 1948 and 2,465 in 1949. However, these figures, obtained from the Office of Harvard Wives, indicate that there is a trend toward more married students in the professional schools than there were before the war years.


The report further indicates that the present accommodations, deemed more than adequate for present demands by the University, have left many married students without the desired locations. Wellington F. Scott '49 1L, housing chairman of the AVC, indicates in his report that there is no reason to believe that this demand will decrease substantially.

Scott said last night that "it seems reasonable to suspect that there are factors which the University may not have taken into consideration in making its decision."
