Proposed revision in the staff setup of the Radcliffe Yearbook along lines similar to Harvard's will go before the 'Cliffe Council Monday.
The recommendation, adopted by delegates to Monday's Cedar Hill policy Conference at Radcliffe, calls for a competitive system of choosing yearbook executives so that a nucleus of girls familiar with the publication procedures of the yearbook would continue from year to year. Under this system the editor-in-chief could be elected by the staff of the book as early as February of her junior year.
The Cedar Hill delegation will also transmit to the Council the recommendation that both the yearbook staff and the Council work together in setting up a constitution and a definite pattern of procedure for publication of the book. Said Susan Evans '50, editor-in-chief of the present 1950 Yearbook, "In this way the Yearbook would be made an official publication of the College."
The proposed system of running the Yearbook comes as a result of financial and administrative difficulties which arose during publication of last year's Radcliffe Yearbook. The Yearbook staff, Miss Evans said, feels that a competitive system of qualifying for yearbook executive positions would ensure a continuous and more efficient staff.
Following the fall session of the Cedar Hill Conference, the Radcliffe Student Council approved the conference's recommendation that the staff and coverage of the Yearbook be enlarged to include all classes. The suggestion by the recent Cedar Hill delegation, if approved by the Council, will follow the precedent of Harvard Yearbook Publications now in its first year.
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