
Penn Spills Varsity Quintet, 95-77; Swimming Team Meets Springfield

Coach Ulen Predicts Close Contests in Blockhouse Pool

"Small colleges come at us with blood in their eyes," swimming coach Hal Ulen said yesterday, "and this Springfield team is pretty good."

From Coach Hal Ulen's statement and the comparative records of the two teams, tonight's 3:30 p.m. meet at the Indoor Athletic Building should be one of the most interesting of the season's non-league contests.

Springfield has outstanding strength in two events; the 440 yard freestyle in which Alvin Malthaner set a New England Intercollegiate record of 4:52.8, and the low board diving, in which Emil Huddleston has gone undefeated this season.

Further power is evident in the Springfield times against Connecticut last week in the 300 yard medley (3:03.2 against the Crimson's 3:03 against Navy), the 220 yard freestyle, the 100 yard breaststroke in which the Gymnasts' one and two men have recorded 2:30.4 and 2:30.8 respectively, and the 100 yard freestyle. The times are very close to those of the locals and should place the two teams almost on par.

Coach Ulen has announced that there will be no change in the lineup he used successfully against Navy. The Crimson will be bidding for its fifth victory in six starts.
