NEW HAVEN, Feb. 12--Professor Alfred Whitney Griswold was named the 16th president of Yale University by the corporation yesterday. Succeeding Charles Seymour, the new president will take office July 1.
The announcement, which Griswold said took him by "complete surprise," was delayed until he returned to New Haven from New York today.
Griswold is a member of the History Department and an expert in Americana; his course on political philosophy in the United States has been among Yale's most popular.
43 Years Old
The 43-year-old president-elect stated he did not plan to visit the alumni groups between now and June, but would complete some writing commitments and then inspect other universities. He will be relieved of his teaching duties immedately.
A member of the class of 1929, he belonged to Psi Upsilon, the Elizabethan Club, the Pundits, and Wolf's Head while an undergraduate. He was also acting chairman of the Record, Eli's humor magazine.
Charles Seymour, Yale's retiring president, has served for 13 years. He received a B.A. degree from Cambridge University in England in 1904 and from Yale in 1908. He taught history for 26 years prior to his election as president, and served as Provost of the University and Master of Berkeley College from 1927 to 1937, when he succeeded James Rowland Angell.
Hall Succeeds Kiphuth
Simultaneously the Yale Corporation announced the appointment of, Robert A Hall, Yale class of '30, to succeed Robert J. H. Kiphuth an Director of Athletics.
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