
Neill Calls Man's Importance Key To His Salvation

"We are in for totalitarianism whether we like it or not," claimed the Right Reverend Stephen C. Neill, Assistant to the Archbishop of Canterbury, in an address before several hundred persons in Memorial Church last night.

The only salvation within a mass society which makes such a type of government inevitable, Bishop Neill said, is a belief in the Christian doctrine which holds that "individuals are important, men do matter."

"Just as we look on a university education as a portal and preparation for life," he continued, "so we ought to view life itself from the perspective of preparing us for something after death. Man is like an iceberg; the larger, invisible part is more important that that which is visible."

The tragedy of our society, which is "a travesty of what it ought to be," the speaker stated, "lies in the fact it produces the little man (personified by Charlie Chaplain) who realizes he is the little man. This is what gives rise to such movements as Naziism."

Bishop Neill, Associate General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, will deliver his second speech, entitled "What Men Hate to Hear," at 8 p.m. this evening in Memorial Church. A tea is being held for him at Phillips Brooks House from 4 to 5 p.m. this afternoon.
