
Brown Tops Five, 50-48, As Freshmen Win, 88-52

A tight gone defense and a fast weaving offense gave Brown a clear factory over the basketball team yesterday at the Blockhouse. The final rate 50 to 49, was the closest the Crimson came to catching Brown during the entire game.

Bruin coach Bob Morris employed a defense which kept three men in front of Crimson center Dick Lionette, and prevented him from getting the ball to his favorite foul circle position. Lionette was go effectively bottled up that losing coach Norm Shepard kept him on the bench for the last ten minutes of the game.

Brown, forcing the Crimson to shot from the outside, piled up most of its points on driving layups and the foul shots that this type of play makes possible. It was able to do this by spreading its men wide and making them cut for the basket. Because they wore smaller and faster than the losers, the Bruins got men free for easy shots that could only be stopped by fouling.

Ezra "Zeke" Creswell scored seven points for Brown in the first two minutes of play, building up an advantage that his teammates increased to 32 to 19 by the half. Although the Crimson squad has much taller, Brown picked off more than its share of rebounds by following its shots and being more alert.

Behind 41 to 50 with a minute and a half left in the game, the Crimson pressed hard and almost succeeded in winning. Jim Urdan made a top9in and a long set shot, and John Stevenson went in for a layup, was fouled, and made the free throw. Brown took the ball out, but Stevenson intercepted and made a jump shot for the final score.


The Yardlings completely outclassed Brown's '54, defeating them, 88 to 52.

The varsity summary: HARVARD (48)   FG  F  P Bramhall, rf  1  0  2 Smith (C), lf  2  1  5 Lionette, e  6  1  18 Hickey, rg  0  0  0 Urdan, lg  2  1  5 Substitutes  7  9  23 Totals  18  12  48 The freshman summary: HARVARD (88)   FG  F  P Krinsky, rf  2  1  5 Steiner, lf  1  3  5 Blodnick, c  9  5  23 Condon, rg  5  0  10 Dennis (C), rf  4  5  18 Substitutes  14  4  32 Totals  35  18  88
