
Almost Right

For the second time in as many terms, a Student Council sub-committee has taken a set of rules proposed by the Faculty Committee on Undergraduate Organizations and done a fair and sensible job of revising them. It has not come up with quite so good a version as it predecessor produced last May; but it has knocked out most of the objectionable provisions that came out of Associate Dean Watson's office last week.

There is one deletion the committee should have made but couldn't: The rule that new organizations must present proof of financial solvency. This provision was also in the final Student Council draft last year, and the committee was instructed to pass only on changes made in that draft by the faculty.

Another deletion could have been made but wasn't: The rule forbidding College groups to appear on radio and television programs. The committee did tack on a "without permission of the Dean's office," but the general effect is still the same.

Both these changes can and should be made by the Council when it takes up these new rules. The gap is now closing, and it should not be too long before the Council and the faculty committee can get together on a final set of rules that will give groups the greatest possible freedom.


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