
Underdog Tufts Entertains Track Team at Medford

Superior depth in a majority of events should make the difference this afternoon when the well-balanced varsity track team will be favored to hand Tufts its first indoor defeat in four years.

The dual meet in Medford starts at 2:30 p.m.

Graduation last spring cost the Jumbos their middle-distance strength--Ed O'Connell and Fred Shoeffer--and star dashman Rudy Fobett. Tufts will have to rely on field events to build a respectable point total this afternoon, and the Crimson runners could bring about a 30 point scoring margin.

Close Mile Relay

Walt Jones, who broke the Tufts high jump record as a freshman, should finish second to Dick Barwise, and Jumbo Co-Captain Tom Bane and Bob Backus should take first and second respectively with the 35-pound weight. Aside from these events and a close mile relay it should be mostly Harvard.


Bane and Backus are not outstanding with the shot, and top Jumbo pole vaulter Charlie Chislom is ailing. Even in top condition Chisolm would probably not come close to the Crimson's Bob Mello. Mello and Bill Geick will get their broad jump competition 21-feet leapers Jones, Al Price, and Ken Cox.

Dave Gregory can choose his own pace in the two-mile, and John Pankey can take second. In the mile Dave Cairns is capable of doing 4:21 on the 220-yard indoor cinder track.

Furey Threatens

Tufts Co-Captain Armand Furey will cause trouble in the dash and 500, but Dick Weiskopf should take the former event and Ronnie Berman and Ed Grutzner can both beat Furey in the latter.

Freshman events will alternate with the varsity, with the Yardlings favored over Tufts '54. For the Jumbos sprinter Reggio Alleyno, outstanding middle-distance man Ted Grecci, miler Tom Ahearne, and vaulter Clayton Williamson have a minimum of support.
