
Greener Grass?


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

We have been much amused by the continued furor caused by this newspaper in regard to the dearth of social, bisexual entertainment facilities available to the Harvard undergraduate. Much energy, crimition, and literary license has been indulged in to describe the lush grass somewhere and to compare it to the pallid green homeland of the Cantabridgian.

We would like to point out that there is green grass nearby--just over a fence not too difficult to peer across, right over the tilted nose of a Harvard undergraduate. Here at the Graduate Center, in Harkness Commons, can be found a night club atmosphere with a dance floor surrounded by tables replete with beer and set-ups. Just below this upper level academic stork club can be found a more intimate and elegant dance for an extracurricular group with a social bent. Next door, amid the topography of Women Hall's Wheeler Room, a smoky and more Bacchanalian dance for a like minded organization fills the sunken garden with sounds evidencing that the "whole man" has arrived at the graduate school.

If the Balkanized and monetarily oriented Houses could come together long enough to look at the nearby grass of the Graduate Center, we feel sure that they could find gardening techniques to bring their wasteland to full bloom.

Could not the Houses shoulder, weekly and successively, the responsibility of duplicating the atmosphere of the second floor of the Harkness Commons on Friday and/or Saturday nights. The Big Ten may have their "Union Buildings" but Harvard does have its Houses. Why not use them? Administrative details such as beer licenses, provision of set-ups, the meshing of formal dance schedules of the Houses to the restating bistros, admission charges, if any, and fair division of the work, we leave to the ingenuity and facile diplomacy of the undergraduates.


Why spend money in Boston? Why wage a fruitless battle against wholesale revision of the parietal rules. What the supposedly senescent and slumbering law and graduate students are doing in the Graduate Center could at least be equalled by the fine flower of our student body in its tenements. The grass doesn't have to be greener on the other side of the fence. Frederick Holborn '49, 1 PA   Lloyd Rudolph '48, 2 PA
