Boston Common will again ring with carols at 4:30 p.m. today when the Glee Club and the Radcliffe Choral Social give their second joint Christmas carol concert of the year from the Parkman Bandstand. The singing, sponsored by the Boston Christmas Festival, will last for about 30 minutes.
Howitt Pantaleoni '52 and Elizabeth Menzel '51 will lead the combined clubs in a program which includes the old French Noel, "Angels in the Fields Were Flying," and "Lo How a Rose e'er Blooming" by Tractorius. Bach's chorale "Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light," will again start the performance.
Two weeks ago the combined clubs sang carols on the State House steps with assist other carollers and Governor Devry in the week-long Christmas Festival. The Boston Festival, as a result, requested the Harvard-Radcliffe clubs give today's concert.
Yesterday the Glee Club sang at Brookline High School as part of the school assembly program. The program included a group of Crimson football songs and the finale from "The Gondoliers."
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