
Basketball Victories Won By Kirkland, Eliot, Dunster

Fred Wagner dropped Kirkland's winning two points in the last seconds of a tight Kirkland-Winthrop A League House game yesterday. The final score was 37 to 35. Two other A League games saw Dudley, who lost to Leverett Monday, bow again to Eliot, 39 to 31, and Leverett take Dunster, 34 to 22.

The Bunnies led, 15 to 10, at the half, and were never behind. Free shots and control of the backboard were the deciding factors. Dunster had trouble with the rim--a good number of their shots rolling around it and out.

High man for the Deacons was Waegner, who tallied 15 points. The Bunnies' top scorer was Ned Maroni with 10. Eliot's Nick Culolias was high scorer for the Elephants with 15 points.

In the B League, Adams finally downed Lowell, 29 to 25 in an overtime period. Dunster defeated Leverett, 34 to 24, and Winthrop took Kirkland, 39 to 24. The strong Puritan quintet had control most of the way; leading 20 to 11 at the half.
