
Amory Is Called to Active Duty By Massachusetts' State Guard

Robert Amory, Jr. '36, professor of Law and member of the Cambridge School Committee announced last night that he had been recalled to the Army. He will leave for the General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in January, he said.

At present, Amory is a lieutenant-colonel with the tank corps of the Massachusetts National Guard. The Army requires that such officers undergo a certain amount of schooling at intervals. But, Amory said, "because of the present emergency," the recalls were being stepped up.

"I have not yet made up my mind," Amory stated, "whether or not to quit the School Board." If he does the candidate who received the next highest number of votes in last year's election will take his place. The ballots would have to be recounted to determine this.

Despite statements that recall of various officers did not mean necessarily that the entire Guard unit would soon be called to active duty, there was still speculation that the 26th Division might go in the near future. If so, informed sources said last night, students may be able to get discharges and become subject to the regular draft. At least, the sources said, there is such a plan under consideration now.

Major General William I. Rose, Commander of the Guard in Massachusetts, said last night he was "unable to comment" on this.
