
Glee Club Shifts to Holden Chapel; University Plans to Repair Building

The Glee Club will move its offices into Holden Chapel-the third oldest building at Harvard-after the Christmas recess.

Last spring the Music Department told Glee Club director G. Wallace Woodworth '24 that the present Club offices in the basement of Paine Hall would be needed for use by Music 1 section men. Woodworth received permission during the summer to take over Holden Chapel.

Plans for financing the renovation, estimated at several thousand dollars, are still subject to final approval, but the University will probably fix up the outside of the structure, supply a washroom, and enlarge the cellar.

Holden stands between Stoughton and Hollis in the Yard.

Built in 1744, Holden was used successively as a lecture hall, barracks for the Continental arm, College lumber room, and fire engine house. Later it served the Medical School as a lecture hall and an anatomical museum.


Today Holden is restored to its original external appearance. Its most recent use has been as a practice and lecture hall for the Philosophy, Music, Public Speaking and Accounting Departments.
