
'54 Soccer, Nichols, Play at Dudley Today

The freshman soccer team will be looking for its fifth win in nine starts when it meets Nichols Junior College in Dudley at 3 p.m. today.

Coach Poley Guyda hopes to have the same starting lineup as he had in the Andover game. But four of his first string players--Captain George Anderson, John Beer, Bob Dean, and Dave Rogers--may be delayed for the kickoff by hour exams.

Anderson injured his hand in pre-game practice at Andover and must play today with a taped-up finger.

Nichols Junior is reported to have a strong squad this year. The team beat Dartmouth freshmen 5 to 2 while the Crimson only squeezed by the Green 4 to 3. Last fall the freshmen tied Nichols 2 to 2.
