
Chafee Hits Bar's Loyalty Measure

Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Langdell Professor of Law, is bitterly attacking the American Bar Association's resolution to make members take a loyalty oath. In the first of two articles appearing in the Harvard Law Record, Chaffee said last week that the oaths "may create grave risks to the careers of lawyers and to the freedom of speech and assembly."

Under the order, all members of the bar who refuse to take the oath will be consequently disbarred. Those admitting participating in communist and communist-front organizations will be investigated for "fitness to continue practice." Those falsifying the oaths will be disbarred upon discovery.

"A lawyer . . . has already taken a solemn oath to support the Constitution," added Chafee. "Nobody is forced to be represented by him." He felt that the measure was hastily put through, and that more thought should be given to so important a decision.

The second article will appear in the Record this week.
