The battle of the bands will take a turn for the worse today.
William J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics, has clamped a gag on the Crimson brass to prevent them from outblanking the 50-man Crusader band, if and when Holly Cross makes a touchdown.
"We want to give them their just desert to sound off after a score instead of drowning them out," Bingham told band manager Paul A. Lucey '51 yesterday.
Before the kickoff, the 155-man band will perform a short drill for the Purple stands and from the Capital Building for the National Anthem. They will revive "Veritas," a favorite 15 years ago.
"Although we'll be playing more for the home stands today," Lucey said, "we're going to do the Holy Cross medley by John Finnegan '47 for the visitors and from a Crusader's helmet."
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