
Fall Athletic Awards Winner

Cross Country

Varsity Cross Country

Minor Sports H to David D. Calrus '52, Wareham; Clarke Coggeshall '52, New York City; David P. Gregory '52, Charlottesville, Va.; Paul R. Judy '53, Muncls, Ind.; Alan H. Master '52, Brooklyn, N. Y.; John H. Pankey '51, Phillipsburg, Mont.; Richard M. White '51, Denver, Colo.; and Norman V. Teem '52, Springfield, Mo. Undergraduate Manager. Also a Major H in minor Colors to Richard M. White '51, Denve, Cole, for winning three varsity letters in cross country.

Freshman Cross Country

Minor Sports Numerals--1954--to Leo M. Carroll, Jr., Boston; Harold J. C. Gerry Spartanburg, S. C.; Hubert C. Maguire, Jr., Belmint; Burce D. Phillips, Seavadala. N. Y.; Emil R. San Senate, Watertown; and Robert Pearson Roxbury, Undergraduate Manager.
