
Varsity Scrimmages Jayvees As Practice for Yale Opens

They broke out the fiares and put up the first "Beat, Yale" signs in Dillon yesterday as the varsity moved into its final week of practice in preparation for its football game with Yale this Saturday.

Three crimson fiares sputtered away next to the field house as the squad jogged in following a forty-minute scrimmage against the junior varsity which covered both offense end defense. The practice was late getting started because "March of Time" shootings occupied the players early in the afternoon. The delay meant the scrimmage.

Coach Lloyd Jordan commented after the workout that his practice routine will not be altered this week. On Thanksgiving, the squad will work out in the morning.

20-Minute Offensive Drill

Yesterday, the offense practiced several new plays against a jayvee defense in a 20-minute contact drill; then the jayvees sent a Yale-type offense against the varsity defense.


Stanley Britton, first string defensive end who injured his shoulder at Princeton and missed the Brown game, was in uniform yesterday but did not take part in the contact work.

Offensive tackle Bob Stargel, the only Brown casualty (bruised ankle), worked out in a sweat suit and the medical staff will not know until later in the week whether he will be available. Guard Dick Heidtmann scrimmaged yesterday and should be ready for full defensive duty Saturday.
