
Dean Rogers Recommends Larger, Fewer Scholarships for GSAS Men

Over 33 percent of the students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are receiving scholarships this year, Dean Francis M. Rogers announced yesterday in his annual report. And it is Rogers' recommendation that the size of scholarships be increased to attract the best minds to the Graduate School.

Rogers recommended giving larger scholarships to fewer students--the opposite of the present policy. He said that new students particularly need scholarships since they have less chance of winning teaching followships.

Of 1912 students, 258 hold Graduate School scholarships, 71 general scholarships, and 440 teaching followships.

Rogers suggested that a few scholarships have "fixed stipends of a generous nature, to be awarded with little attention to the actual financial situation of the applicant."

Use More Funds


The Graduate School has used more of its funds this year to provide for student loans than any time since the war, Rogers advised.

One hundred eighty one students took advantage of the School's lending program during the past year.
