
The CRIMSON and Politics


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Last year I thought the CRIMSON was a good Thing. An intelligently liberal peeper with high standards of journalism, and a lot of real verve in their writing. This year I am disappointed. The verve has decayed to smugness and smirks. The intelligent liberalism has degenerated into a slavish following of the Democratic Party line, and your editorial page reeks with complacency.

On November 7, the day of the election, your editorial castigated the Republicans for passing the Taft-Hartley bill and initiating the "hysterical" McCarran Act. What sort of people do you think rad your editorials, non-thinking robets? Anybody who has any guts today will admit that the Taft-Hartley Act is a just attempt at equalizing the balance of power in the American scene, and will praise its purpose and methods. Your condemning of it is not only indicative of your complete adherence to the party line, and of your lack of originality, but it is also an insult to a great many of your readers.

But why advance the Taft-Hartley Act as of Formosa importance anyway? Is not the most important event now the war in Korea, and the possible war in China? Whose administration is responsible for sloppy intelligence, for denuded defense, and for pusillating Asiatic policy.

I'm assuredly not a Republican, but I do insist on a modicum of fairness. That modicum the CRIMSON may have possessed formerly, but certainly now, wallowing in misconstruction and bias, the CRIMSON has lost any claim to intelligent liberalism, and all claim to any sort of idealism. Charles MacVeagh '53
